O Gabinete de Estratégia e Estudos (GEE) do Ministério da Economia tem por missão realizar estudos e recolher e divulgar informação económica de Portugal e internacional. Dentro das suas competências, o GEE divulga no seu Site estudos aplicados no...

O Doing Business é um relatório publicado anualmente pelo Banco Mundial que avalia a qualidade e eficiência das regulações para as atividades económicas de várias economias (190 na mais recente publicação), através da elaboração de indicadores...

Integration of Small Technology
This paper examines the role of small technology-based firms (TBF) in aeronautics industrialization processes. In particular, given the susceptibility of these firms to the changing nature of industrial production, it focuses on the integration and...

This paper presents novel empirical evidence for the prediction from Becker’s (1957) famous theory, that competition will drive discrimination out of the market. We use a comprehensive firm entry deregulation reform in Portugal as a quasi-natural...

We study the incentives of competition authorities to prosecute collusive practices of domestic and foreign firms. For that purpose, we develop a model of multi-market contact between two firms that can engage in collusion in two countries. In each...