Data: 11-12-2023
Autor(es): Guida Nogueira, Paulo Inácio e Joana Almodovar
Ano: 2023

Exports have become an important engine of growth for the Portuguese economy in recent years. However, the COVID-19 outbreak has significantly disrupted international trade delivering an unprecedent global economic and social shock that severely impacted small open economies such as Portugal.
Post-pandemic recovery is facing considerable challenges associated with a combination of adverse shocks, leading to uneven recovery paces across countries and sectors.
This article assesses the export performance of the Portuguese economy in the aftermath of the COVID-19 crisis, with a granular breakdown of goods and services, using the EU27 as a benchmark to gain comparative insights of their recovery paths towards a more resilient economy.

TE 121 – “Portugal’s export performance in the aftermath of the pandemic crisis”