Autor(es): Jürgen Kröger, Miguel Lebre de Freitas, James Daniel, Mary R. McCarthy, António Afonso, Pierre Beynet, Carlos Martinez, Pedro Cardoso, José Luís Malo de Molina e Jean-Luc Schneider
Ano: 2009


Thematic sessions, Chair: Jürgen Kröger (DG ECFIN)
First session: "Recent developments on external competitiveness and policy implications"
"Recent developments on competitiveness", Miguel Lebre de Freitas (GEE/MEID)
"Cures for the External Deficit", James Daniel (IMF)
"Recent developments in external competitiveness and policy implications", Mary R. McCarthy (DG ECFIN)
Second session: "Policies to achieve sustainability"
"Achieving fiscal sustainability", António Afonso (European Central Bank; ISEG/UTL)
"Policies to Achieve Fiscal Sustainability", Pierre Beynet (OECD)
"Policies to Achieve Fiscal Sustainability - Discussion", Carlos Martinez (DG ECFIN), Pedro Cardoso (DG ECFIN)
Panel Discussion: "How to adjust in the euro area?", Chair: Vítor Constâncio (Bank of Portugal)
Álvaro Aguiar (MFAD), John Fitzgerald (Economic and Social Research Institute, Ireland), Jürgen Kröger (DG ECFIN), José Luís Malo de Molina (Bank of Spain), Jean-Luc Schneider (OECD).

Autor(es): António Mendonça, Ricardo Mamede, Paula Fontoura, Nuno Crespo e Natália Barbosa
Ano: 2009


Abertura: António de Castro Guerra (S.E. Adjunto da Indústria e Inovação).
"IDE líquido e desenvolvimento económico: o caso português", António Mendonça (ISEG).
"IDE e transformação estrutural em Portugal", Ricardo Mamede (ISCTE, Observatório do QREN).
"Efeitos indirectos do IDE para as empresas portuguesas", Paula Fontoura (ISEG), Nuno Crespo (ISEG).
"Interacção entre multinacionais e empresas portuguesas". Natália Barbosa (U. Minho).
"IDE e políticas públicas", Ana Teresa Lehmann (CCDR-N).
Discussão: António de Castro Guerra (SEAII), Nelson de Sousa (POFC), Mário Lobo (DGAE), Rita Araújo (AICEP), Antonieta Ministro (GEP/MTSS), Daniel Traça (UNL), Celeste Amorim (UA), José Gonzaga Rosa (E&Y), Paula Neto (ISCA), Manuel Caldeira Cabral (U. Minho), João Leitão (UTL), Ricardo Pinheiro Alves (GEE, UBI), Miguel Lebre de Freitas (GEE, UA). Moderador: Vítor Corado Simões (ISEG).

Autor(es): João Leitão
Ano: 2009


Autor(es): Guida Nogueira
Ano: 2009

"O Processo de transformação estrutural da economia portuguesa 1986-2006", Guida Nogueira (GEE).

Autor(es): James Daniel, Peter Part, Vitor Gaspar, Luís Morais Sarmento, Miguel St.Aubyn, Orlando Caliço, João Amador, Miguel Lebre de Freitas, Ricardo Mamede, Ana Teresa Tavares Lehmann, António Nogueira Leite, Leonor Modesto, João Loureiro e João Ferreira do Amaral
Ano: 2008


"Implications of the global financial crisis for Portugal's fiscal policy", James Daniel (IMF).
"The Quality of Public Finances and Economic Growth", Peter Part (CPE-ECOFIN).
"Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Public Sector Efficiency", Vitor Gaspar, (EC).
Panel 1: "Fiscal Policy Challenges", Luís Morais Sarmento (DGO), Miguel St.Aubyn (ISEG), Orlando Caliço (B. Portugal). Chair: James Daniel (IMF).
"Perspectives on Portuguese International Trade", João Amador (B. Portugal).
"FDI and the structural transformation of Portuguese exports", Miguel Lebre de Freitas (GEE) e Ricardo Mamede (ISCTE, Observatório do QREN).
"Foreign Direct Investment: Regulation, Crisis, and Future Prospects", Ana Teresa Tavares Lehmann (FEP, CCDRN).
Discussants: Manuel Cabral (UM), Ricardo Alves (GEE), Ana Paula Africano (FEP).
"The Global Monitoring Entrepreneurship": Luis Mira Amaral (BIC).
"On the Ongoing Administrative Reform", Anabela Pedroso (AMA).
Panel 2: "Is the business and regulatory framework improving?", Carlos Martins (Martifer), José Carlos Marques da Silva (Global XXI), Armindo Monteiro (ANJE). Chair: Luís Mira Amaral (BIC).
"Economic Situation and Prospects for Portugal", Carlos Martinez (DG ECFIN).
Round table: "Portugal and the challenges of globalization", António Nogueira Leite (UNL), Leonor Modesto (UCP), João Loureiro (FEP), João Ferreira do Amaral (ISEG). Chair: Carlos Martinez (DG ECFIN).

Autor(es): Teresa Simões
Ano: 2008

"International Macroeconomic Interdependence and Imports of Oil in a Small Open Company", Teresa Simões (FEUNL).

Autor(es): João Ferreira do Amaral, António José Morgado, Luís Catela Nunes e Susana Salvado
Ano: 2007

"Evolução do Comércio Externo Português de Exportação (1995-2004)", João Ferreira do Amaral (ISEG).
"Nowcasting an Economic Aggregate with Disaggregate Dynamic Factors: An Application to Portuguese GDP", António José Morgado (FEUNL, GEE), Luís Catela Nunes (FEUNL), Susana Salvado (FEUNL, GEE).

Autor(es): José da Silva Lopes, Pedro Cardoso, Manuel Caldeira Cabral, Y. Xiao, Jorge Rebelo de Almeida, Luís Portela, Stefano Scarpetta, José Braz, Luis Florindo (AICEP), James Daniel, Jorge Braga de Macedo, Álvaro Aguiar, Ana Cristina Leal, Teodora Cardoso, Miguel St. Aubyn e Miguel Lebre de Freitas
Ano: 2007


"Portugal and the Challenges of globalization", José da Silva Lopes, Montepio (PDF, 70 Kb)
" The Portuguese Economy: Recent developments and key challenges", Pedro Cardoso, DG ECFIN (PDF, 249 Kb)
" Export diversification and technological improvement in Portugal", Manuel Caldeira Cabral, Universidade do Minho, (PDF, 155 Kb)
" Portugal's recent export surge: blip or recovery?", Y. Xiao, IMF (PDF, 1,2 Mb)
Panel 1. Paulo Nunes de Almeida (ATP), Jorge Rebelo de Almeida (Vila Galé), Luís Portela (Bial). Chair: João Ferreira do Amaral (ISEG)
" Growth and the regulatory framework", Stefano Scarpetta, OECD
" Competition and regulation in the energy sector", José Braz, ERSE (PDF, 1,2 Mb)
Panel 2. Nuno Ribeiro da Silva (Endesa), José Gonzaga Rosa (E&Y), Luis Florindo (AICEP), Chair: João Confraria (UCP)
" Is Portugal restructuring to take Advantage of globalization? A view from the "Sunbelt-5", James Daniel, IMF (PDF, 209 Kb)
"Competitiveness and convergence in Portugal" - Jorge Braga de Macedo, FEUNL & IICT
Round Table: Álvaro Aguiar (MF), Ana Cristina Leal (BP), Teodora Cardoso (BPI), Miguel St. Aubyn (ISEG). Chair: Carlos Martinez (DG ECFIN)
" Closing Address", Miguel Lebre de Freitas, GEE